Disclaimer of liability (Disclaimer)
Liability for contents
As official suppliers we are responsibleaccording to §7 Abs. 1 TMG for owncontents on these sides according to thegeneral laws. Nevertheless, after §§8 to 10TMG we are not obliged as an officialsupplier to supervise transmitted or storedforeign information or to do research aftercircumstances which point to an illegalactivity. Obligations to the distance orblockage of the use of informationaccording to the general laws remainuntouched from this. Nevertheless, arelevant liability is possible only from thetime of the knowledge of a concrete lawbreaking. While becoming known ofsuitable law breakings we will immediatelyremove these contents.
Liability for links
Our offer contains links to external webpages of third on whose contents we haveno influence. Therefore, we can take overfor these foreign contents also noguarantee. The respective supplier oroperator of the sides is always responsiblefor the contents of the verlinkten sides.The verlinkten sides were checked at thetime of the Verlinkung for possible legaloffence. Illegal contents were notrecognizable at the time of the Verlinkung.Nevertheless, a permanent content controlof the verlinkten sides is not reasonablewithout concrete clues of a law breaking.While becoming known of law breakingswe will immediately remove such links.
The contents provided by the sideoperators and works on these sides aredefeated by the German copyright. Theduplication, treatment, spreading andevery kind of the utilisation beyond theborders of the copyright need the writtenapproval of the respective author orErstellers. Downloads and copies of thisside are permitted only for the private, notcommercial use. As far as the contents onthis side were not provided by theoperator, the copyrights of third areconsidered. In particular contents of thirdare marked as those. Should you becomeattentive, nevertheless, to a copyrightinfringement, we ask for a suitable tip.While becoming known of law breakingswe will immediately remove such contents.